Making Memories

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Moon is three years

Its really surprising, when I come to think of how quickly last three year have gone. Time sure flies and I guess even faster when we become parents. These years have been filled with big and small joys, sorrows, worries and practically everything which comes as part and parcel of being a parent. I have seen times of sheer excitement when Moon first smiled, rolled over, got his first tooth, crawled, stood, walked and said his first word. At the same time this journey also showed bad phases when we faced extreme depression, which only happened when Moon became unwell. I can still recall those sleepless nights when he cried for colic and those peak winters in which he made us to sweat as to we had no clue why he was crying. Really, there is nothing bad for a parent to see their child unwell.

On a lighter note, Moon has come an unbelievably long way in these years where his mental, physical, emotional growth is concerned. Coming to talk of it I cannot start in any other way but to talk about his talks. Well, he has become an absolute chatter box or should I say a question box in the past few months. He talks non stop and nonsense, if that makes sense. He can be caught anytime when he is awake and all that he would be doing is taking something to some pretend friend of his, named 'Police'. Yes, its silly but true. He has this one imaginary friend whom he talks, plays, shares so much that i get scared at times and this movie comes to my mind where a child in the house could see the ghosts that were not visible to anyone else. I really get a feeling sometimes that is there anybody that I m not able to see and only he is seeing. This pretend friend of his even follows us when we are out and about. It gets over my nerves sometimes.

Another peculiar thing in past few months has been his bullets of questions. Whatever you talk he is always ready with a question. A typical conversation between us goes like this :

Moon-"ham kahan jaa re hai"
Moon-"Tesco kyun jaa re hain"
Me-"Groceries lene"
Moon-"Kyun groceries kyun lana hai"
Me-"Khana banane ke liye"
Moon-"Khaana kyun banana hai"
Me-"Mujhe nahi pata/papa se poocho"
Moon-"Kyun nahi pata/papa se kyun poocho"

and then i faint. This is just one example, this happens about hundred times a day. Now this reminds me of yet another movie where Paresh Rawal asks so many questions that the person answering faints at the end. Moon can certainly make Paresh Rawal go dizzy.

I know all this are his developmental milestones and am enjoying every bit of it. To record his capabilities at the moment, here it goes :

-Can say numbers up to 10 and tries up till 15, also can count things up till 10 correctly.
-Can recognise almost all the uppercase and lowercase alphabets with an exception of only few. Also like to sing the ABC song but looses track after reaching halfway.
-Is getting really good at map reading with the only exception that hold the map book upside down.
-Sings numerous rhymes correctly like Twinkle twinkle, Wind the bobbin up, Row your boat, Incy Wincy spider, Scarecrow, Baa baa black sheep, Johny Johny, Happy and you know it and a few more, with the exception that knows only one Hindi rhyme 'machli jal ki raani hai' (that too forgets in between)
-Knows 'Namokaar Mantra' (our prayer) but tries to escape from chanting it.
-Can do simple activities with alphabets on Can click, drag, do simple puzzles and follow the instructions. Has been doing this from past 4-5 months now.
-Uses words like click, drag, select, website, download, close, open, shutdown, computer with respect to the cyber world, though doesn't know the meaning of even half of them.
-Loves the books to be read for him and demands for more.
-Likes to watch new cartoon series like 'In the night garden', 'Doodle do', without leaving the all time favourites 'Teletubbies', 'Brum' etc.
-Is fully potty trained, including night times. Getting really independent with using the toilet, including putting on the light, setting the foot stool, cleaning himself when done (though i prefer to wash him) and washing hands thereafter. Uses no toilet seat/ring.
-Fully settled at school with no crying.
-Getting too much into pretend play, be it pretend friend, bathing and dressing up the teddy, making tea for us, closing the imaginary door of his ride and so on.

All in all, am enjoying every moment with my child, but fear that these years will also fly soon, but I know each day is a new day, a new beginning with him and he always have something special for us in store.

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Blogger paal said...


I found you by random, and I like your blog. So...I'm tagging you to write 7 things about yourself and then tag three other bloggers. The rules are posted at my blog here:

best wishes,


7 November 2007 at 22:02  
Blogger Neera said...

Arre wah Deepali!! Back to blogging with a bang!! Great to read so much abt dear Bhavya! And arre wah Bhavya ..good going smart boy! He seems to be doing so much. Incidentally I have read articles abt kids his age having pretend friends and talking to them as if they wre a real person. I dnt think u need to worry. At most ask his ped when u take him to his 3rd year physical.

9 November 2007 at 21:03  
Blogger Neera said...

Accept his imaginary friend. Experts believe that having an imaginary friend is a sign of a creative, social child who's found a way to help manage his own fears or concerns. Some studies suggest as many as half of all kids have an imaginary pal at some point.

However, if your child starts blaming the buddy for something he did, it's time for a reality check. You don't need to accuse him of lying, but do address the behavior. Have your child, along with the imaginary sidekick, rectify the situation (clean up the mess, apologize, whatever) and make it clear the act was unacceptable.

9 November 2007 at 21:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8 January 2008 at 07:24  
Blogger Neera said...

You are tagged, Deepali! Get back to writing again :) Refer to the last post on my blog! Looking forward to hear from you.

6 February 2008 at 21:41  

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