Making Memories

Thursday, 27 September 2007

A fussy eater that he is...

Bhavya had always been such a bad eater that i sometimes get embarrassed to tell people as they might think that I m just making it up or exaggerating. But this is one bitter truth that eating and drinking are the last things on his mind.
To begin with, he never use to cry for milk bottle ever since he was born but only for colic as may be he was left without a feed for too long or maybe overfed by enthusiastic parents as we never came to know his appetite. To top it he decided to leave the bottle feed all by himself when he was as much as 6 months old. Now this came as a real pain, as it is always easy to pour down the milk into his throat by engaging and distracting him, rather than, one person trying to distract him and another one trying to pour in the milk by a spoon, a sipper cup, a straw, a small steel glass. Yes, we tried it all, to no avail. As a result i left him on his own for a couple of months, and disguised his milk into various kheers and cereals. It was not that he became suddenly interested in all these delicious preparations of mine but yes, i could manage to somehow push down his quota of calcium and protein( i think).
As he started becoming aware of my tricks of feeding him, he too developed ways to put me down. A nine month boy so sharp to hold a bite in his mouth for literally 30 to 40 minutes so that I cannot fill his mouth with another one, was his all time hit technique as I was left with no other option but to wait(and give up), wait till he finally sleeps with that one bite still in his mouth and i only come to know about it when the whole thing drools out of his mouth. Another one was when he used to keep taking bites, delighting me that a new day has come, and collecting them at the top of his mouth where i cannot see and then taking my hand to spit a big lump of food.

One day I was feeding him french toast which we liked very much and i was sure Bhavya is going to enjoy, and he did, though in a his own way. He kept coming to me for a bite on his own which was happening for the first time in my and his life, I was talking to Sandeep how he liked my new recipe. It was only towards the end(about to finish the food) i realised that this is all too good to be true. I went up to the hallway where i saw a big mountain of little chewed up french toast bites lying on the carpet and my little one standing beside me laughing(or mocking) at me. He sure enjoyed the French Toast. For few moments i couldn't decide whether i should laugh or cry or punish a 2 and half year old boy for such a deed.
Another incident happened few months back when Bhavya pulled a banana from the service window of my kitchen along with a apple kept nearby. I was observing it a from a distance with a thought not to disturb him while he is helping himself. But this man had different plans, he took off the stickers(brand stickers on fruits) from each of them and placed them on each of his hands, placing back the apple and banana securely at exactly the same place.

These days, he is holding back something as slippery as milk, banana etc and something as tasty as maggie noodles, crisps and chocolates in his mouth for upto 5-10 minutes.
To add to the list, he doesn't like to eat cakes, chocolates, biscuits, dry fruits, peanuts, things that kids generally enjoy. Basically he is scared of eating.
The incidents are numerous to list, but one thing is for sure that I have left hope now. Only God knows when will he be interested in eatables. Oh no, I know, never.

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